2014 Traffic Data
This index is provided as a simple means to locate and open all of the publications available. It contains links to the actual files for each publication.
All of the publications are in the Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Excel file formats.
Click on the icon to open the Adobe files or the
icon to open the Excel spreadsheets. The documents will open in this window.
For Jurisdiction and DVMT publications, clicking on the category name will display a separate index of those publications.
If your computer does not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, download it from adobe.com. It is recommended you have Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or later.
The icon is located several times within this document. Clicking it will take you to a detailed explanation of VMT reporting methodology.
To return to this index from a publication or another index, click the “back” button on your browser.
Primary and Interstate Publications
- Average daily traffic volumes with vehicle classification data on interstate, arterial and primary routes
- Jurisdiction publications
- Vehicle Miles Traveled publications